I just thought I would share that I drove to work this morning with my a/c on high to cool me from the 80+ degrees outside, singing along with "Winter Wonderland" on the radio...ahhhh Christmas in South Florida!
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
South Florida Christmas
Would Jesus watch THAT movie?
I speak in generalities when I say 'That' Movie - but will use 'Knocked Up' as an example. Here is a movie that is an 'R' rated comedy that got its 'R' rating mostly because of excessive use of the 'F' word (there is some sexual content - thus the title - and some drug use but there is A LOT of the 'F' word). A quick question before I get to the big one posed in the title - and this is one I ask often...What makes a 'Bad Word' bad? Who came up with the list that - 'F','S','A','B', etc., etc. were Bad words? What makes them 'unwholesome'? And if they are used in a non-derogatory or 'wholesome' way - are they still bad? I digress - but would love to hear your thoughts. Now for the biggie - would Jesus watch a movie with this kind of language & content? I ask this because when you look at the guys he was hanging around - tax collectors, fishermen, sinners in general, etc. - I am pretty sure he was around some pretty vulgar talk...So WWJD & why?
Thursday, November 22, 2007
2005 Reuilly Pinot Noir - France
Friday, November 16, 2007
Walking the Walk
Alot of people talk about doing good, saving the world, being a "christian" - but how many people are actually doing it?
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Best Interview Ever
If you haven't heard of Mo Williams you need to -here's why:
"Nice to meet you. I make books that I hope you like."
What do you think makes your books special?
Their unique smell? The gravity-defying binding? The high-fiber and low saturated fat content? The fact that they're made entirely by monkeys with blowtorches?
Honestly, I have no idea, but if I had to make a serious attempt at deconstructing my work, I'd go with the monkeys.
If you could hang out with one of your characters, who would it be and why?
I already hang out with them all the time; that's my job. My characters are like my children, people who I'd like to find a baby-sitter for so I can go out on the town. But, I love 'em, too.
What is your favorite part of your job?
The work itself. The writing. The drawing. Playing with the characters. Getting letters and drawings from kids jazzed about my books is a close second.
What is your least favorite part of your job?
Working the night shift with a big rig smuggling live, angry chickens across the New Jersey border with the fuzz on my tail. Oh, wait. I don't have to do that. Never mind.
What question do you hope to be asked during an interview and what is your answer to that question?
Q: Behind the simplicity and craftsmanship of your books lies a subtle, yet pervasive melancholy about individual's failures to communicate or achieve their desires; is this a product of your research in child development or an emotional struggle that seeps into your work subconsciously?
A: I'm sorry but I can't answer such a personal question.
My family and I enjoyed the pictures in "Knuffle Bunny," which were made from photographs and drawings. How do you create these wonderful pictures?
Laziness and character. The story dictated that the piece feel like a reminiscence, such as an old photo album, plus I hate drawing backgrounds. But as I worked with the pictures, I discovered that, unlike my forgiving eye, they did not edit out the ugliness of my neighborhood.
Consequently, I had to spend quite a bit of time digitally removing air-conditioners, trash and garbage cans, so that the pictures could have the 'emotional truth' of my personal experience.
It was technically challenging and created huge files but ultimately made the story feel more real and handmade.
I noticed that Pigeon is in every book. Why?
There's a Pigeon in every one of my books?!? Ugh.
That sneak hates it when I don't make books about him; he must wiggle in when I'm not looking.
What are you working on right now?
Currently, I'm working on a picture book illustrated with watercolors and a pop-out book. The next thing you'll see on the shelves, however, is a new Pigeon book, titled ... Well, we're only telling the first four words of the title: "THE PIGEON WANTS A ..."
Hopefully, kids all over the country will create their own versions of what they think the Pigeon wants, so that when the actual title is revealed on April 1, 2008, kids everywhere will be ... disappointed. Their ideas invariably will be better than mine.
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
The Back Porch
Until I get this blog up and running (and after that) please visit my other blog:
Friday, November 2, 2007
In the begining...
So here is my Blog. If you're here - welcome! ...If your not, then you aren't reading this. I'll be back soon...Hope you will be too.