Tuesday, May 13, 2008

The Island of Eden?

Read this "Theory" then share your thoughts. A LOT of good points in there. I will share my thoughts in the comments as to not ruin the theory for you.


Levi Muller said...

This theory presents a real possibility, but I just don't buy into it. I don't think that the island will end up being anything that we have heard of in other works. The LOST island is something new and different, but may have similarities to things we have seen in the past, such as Eden.

However, if Eden was on the island, then it would surely be "The Island of Eden."

Justmatt said...

I think you may be right Levi, but as this article points out: When asked what literature might figure into the show's future, Lindelof and Cuse said the following: "Continue reading the Bible."

I also like this theory from Doc Jensen over at EW.com:

Which brings me to the provocative Big Idea that I strongly believe ''Cabin Fever'' was jerking its head toward, hoping that we would ''get it'' without spelling it out. There was a moment last night when Ben accused Locke of manipulating Hurley into going with them to Jacob's cabin by using Ben-patented reverse psychology. Locke denied doing so, saying, ''I'm not you.'' Ben jumped on this, saying, ''You're certainly not.''

Now, do the timeline math.

Locke is born early. At age 5, he takes a test that most likely would have taken him to the Island if he had passed. He didn't. That same year, Benjamin Linus is born. At age 16, Locke is invited to go to a science camp that again would have taken him to the Island. He refused. About that same time, Benjamin Linus and his father joined the Dharma Initiative. The implication, it seems, is that Ben has been walking the path that was originally meant for Locke. Ben was the contingency plan — the course correction — for Locke's altered destiny. But Ben is his own person, of course, and he has done things differently from what Locke would have done, and this, in turn, has created further changes in the original order of things — changes that I think a certain ticked-off, Island-deprived billionaire named Charles Widmore is trying to reverse. The scene at the rehab center between paralyzed adult Locke and his wheelchair pusher, the creepy Matthew Abbaddon — who accepted the description of ''orderly'' with knowing irony — was meant to suggest one way Widmore is scheming to restore the original order: by getting Locke on that Island and taking back the birthright that was supposed to be his.

(Unless I’m getting this reversed: What if Ben was the man of destiny, but for decades, various forces — including Alpert and Widmore-Abbaddon — have been vainly trying to change destiny by getting Locke to the Island to supplant the über-Other?)

Regardless, here's the twist — the twist that could turn Locke into a mass murderer of sorts. As we saw at the end of the episode, Locke's plan for saving the Island is moving the Island. Now, I have no idea how he intends to do that. But if I'm tracking correctly the weird science Lost has been laying down this season, I wonder if where we're headed is a catastrophic gambit in which Locke will move the Island not only in space but also in time, which I'm guessing will cause some kind of massive retroactive course correction — or, rather, already has enacted a course correction. In fact, I wonder if the secret to many of the metaphysical mysteries of Lost is that all of the show's drama is playing out against the backdrop of a timeline that's in flux — where old history is giving way to new history as the consequences of Locke's future Island-saving actions trickle down through time. And so that wreckage of Oceanic 815 at the bottom of the ocean? That isn't a hoax — at least, not in the new timeline taking hold. That's real. And it will be John the Quantum Ripper's fault.

Full article: http://www.ew.com/ew/article/0,,20198844,00.html

Jim Jordan said...

When asked what literature might figure into the show's future, Lindelof and Cuse said the following: "Continue reading the Bible."

Knowing next to nothing about LOST I would have to conclude they would not have given this kind of clue if the plot had that clear a parallel. There would have to be a significant reveal at the end.

I have no idea what I'm talking about but perhaps the people died in the crash and are trying to get back to life on their own? Only they can't survive naturally, but supernaturally, and they can only be saved by one person.

Btw, in the link I thought they said the Nephilim died in the Flood. I'm pretty sure they were around afterward too. See Gen 6:4, Numbers 13:33. Maybe that's a real tie-in there (i.e. they're still around now...). Cheers.